Only In china [Funny]

For Your Info... country was the famous bamboo curtain like this. not be surprised if China in the country dubbed as a plagiarist,,,
See. ..
if we walk in the Mall.
90% would have made * made in china "...
yeah... this one is exemple....


ohh man... i hope nothing bad happen to you...


well... i think it's plagiat...

it's teribble


well what's a great ways to move a huge thing,,,, ^_^





what's a poor man,,,,,,









if this... from our lovely country Indonesia.. ^_^

what's that????
they are so romantic..

hihih how about this??



hopefully our beloved country Indonesia has not experienced anything like this ,,,,,
I Love Indonesia,, I love the Pancasila
what do you think ...???
well sorry if repost, it's all just sharing ....... ^ _ ^

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1 Response to "Only In china [Funny]"

  1. Nan says:
    8 April 2010 pukul 05.25

    I belive some of thoose photos using Photoshop or something ;)

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