funny Soldier ^o^

waah ...
very cute ...
if the soldier is on sale at the store I'll buy one ...

for Your Smile ^ _ ^

i think he is Future Commander 

Go Soldier Goo!!!!!!

and i think if every war has soldier like this...
The war will be never end...

what Do you Think Friend??
For Your Smile Of Course

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Side effects due mostly to play Counter Strike [Funny]

this like me...
I always spend my time playing this game ....
whenever and wherever there are opportunities as ...
hahahahahahh ....
actual game play was not too bad depending on the person alone, can set the time or not ...
but do you know if most of these games is a bad thing for your daily ...???
like This story

very dangerous Isn't it???
what Do you think?
please leave a coment
Source : my friend "Dewi"

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poor Soldier..

i don,t know what i must i do...
when i see this picture....

i must laughing until my neighbors get awakened or i must crying cause this....

what's a poor soldier....

i think that's boy get head shoot ^_^ ..
what a deadly shoot...
so i must cry or laughing???

related post

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Only In china [Funny]

For Your Info... country was the famous bamboo curtain like this. not be surprised if China in the country dubbed as a plagiarist,,,
See. ..
if we walk in the Mall.
90% would have made * made in china "...
yeah... this one is exemple....


ohh man... i hope nothing bad happen to you...


well... i think it's plagiat...

it's teribble


well what's a great ways to move a huge thing,,,, ^_^





what's a poor man,,,,,,









if this... from our lovely country Indonesia.. ^_^

what's that????
they are so romantic..

hihih how about this??



hopefully our beloved country Indonesia has not experienced anything like this ,,,,,
I Love Indonesia,, I love the Pancasila
what do you think ...???
well sorry if repost, it's all just sharing ....... ^ _ ^

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Blade movie starring the latest in our Artist ....!!!!

For Your info it's just for fun...

if when we see movies with titles identical blade main star ....

Wesley Snipes

where he has played as much as 3x Film Blade episode of Blade 1, Blade 2 and Blade Trinity will soon be replaced by the director position David S. Goyer. The reason the director did not because the market needs now is more likely not too enthusiastic about the movie-themed full action. It is seen from the Blade films have released so far, Blade with Wesley Snipes primary star has a serious character, stern, serious face, visibly, and without the slightest smile.Meanwhile, Blade will be released the latest, the leading character is more flexible, can be fierce, and also can relax. The aim is Blade fans can enjoy action movies, but not full-strain during the movie, but there was also a comedy interlude, which are elements of comedy can be run either by the main actor.

As a result, the director of browsing potential replacement actor for his newest film Blade.Apparently the director to find a suitable actor for film Blade, and it was in Indonesia. Criteria must be the director, the actor does have a face similar to the previous blade actor's face, but also has another advantage that is, a face that is more flexible in the sense could be seen as doing Action Garang, and also can be funny when he was doing Joke.

there according to the selected artist indo the director sapa ya??

This he indo artist who became the director of choice for new film ...

Please Welcome: Blade III

hihihihihih............ Uncle's Tukul was cool is'n it??
especially this one

just For YOur Smile ^_^

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Pose a girl or a boy what you choose?

O the existing Narsiser World .....
Comes not in the Constitution Returning by your self * lho? *

hihihihih .............
Starting in the era of this increasingly mad craze with the people wrote this one ......
But this so wonderfull  because there is rarely like this, ??hahahha

For Your Info, could you match  Photo Below??
Pose you think what you like??

First Pose



Second Pose



Third Pose,,, Readdyyy???



fourth Pose.... Readyy......



Fifth Pose............



 Sixth Pose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Seventh Pose... It's amazing



Eighth Pose,,, Wow



Pose the ninth ... * This ya that makes me  stifle


Tenth Pose


Eleventh Pose ....



So many of my past,,,,, as much as possible I will try to upload another interesting post ... i'm so tired of typing this .. hihihi
so according to you,,, Boy Pose or Girl Pose?

For your info .... Read this too ....

mobil aneh
kursi yang tidak memenuhi syarat
Akhir cerita dari Doraemon
Cover buku kelas 5 SD{funny sangat) 

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