Weirdest Picnic location on Planet Earth

 Confused for a picnic? Select a good location wrote this ...

Blue Lagoon, Iceland

This place is filled with lots of artificial ponds containing material of volcanic activity. Mineral-rich water with contained here is believed to have the power to cure certain diseases. During the winter, hot steam emerging from the pond surrounded by snow and ice, thus creating a tense atmosphere.

 Haleakala, Hawaii
Haleakala, the area surrounding the volcano is on Maui, Hawaii. Almost every year more than 1.5 million people visited Haleakala. They sometimes just want to watch the sun rise or sink, with a very dramatic charm, also witnessed a large crater at Haleakala clusters. Haleakala name comes from the Hawaiian language, which means the house of the sun. According to legend, the demigod Maui has kept the sun at this place to extend daylight time.

Chocolate Hills, Philippines

Choclolate Hills limestone hill area of 20 square miles located on the island of collapse, the Philippines, which covered almost 1300 lawn. This berketinggian limestone hill about 100 to 400 feet. As the dry season, this hill like a giant chocolate chip. Based on local legend, this hill is formed from a giant buffalo dung fed poisoned by local farmers. However, the scientists concluded that the hill is formed by volcano debris.


Craters of the Moon National Park

Craters of the Moon National Park in Idaho, a region that resembles the moon can be found in the United States. Formed from volcanic eruption that occurred 15,000 years ago, creating lava field of more than 600 square miles. Eruption strength and create a coal inlet cone and lava.

Racetrack Playa, California

Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, California USA, now known as the mysterious rock slide. This dry lake repose rock and sediment mud. No one has ever seen these rocks move. But a growing theory states that the movement is due to strong winds and ice due to shrinkage. The impact occurs during the rainy season, where a shallow lake surface becomes slippery.

Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia in Turkey show the unique rock formations called "fairy chimneys up". Cappadocia is formed by geological activity and volcanoes, including the weather and erosion, which occurred about 60 million years of Islam. Year 2000, the Christians built the first church in the region's unique rocks.

Dead Sea, the Middle East
Edge of the sea with salty water called the Dead Sea is the lowest on earth, which is almost 1400 feet below sea level. The water here is more salty than the water in the ocean, because the high salt levels, allowing beings can float on water. Dead Sea waters utilized for medical therapy. This giant lake continues to shrink, because there is a dangerous hole.

Madagascar, East Africa

On the island of Madagascar, off the coast of southeastern Africa, long-rooted forest trees are scattered here. Trees are capable of absorbing large amounts of water and berketinggian 100 feet in diameter and nearly 400 feet.

 Pamukkale, Turkey

Coral Pamukkale in Turkey, almost resembling a frozen waterfall rather than a source of heat. Cliffs and shallow lakes formed by volcanic activity and contains high levels of calcium. Ancestor of the local people believed that the heat generated is God-given treatment and develop the ancient city on the hill.

 Erg Chebbi Desert, Morocco

Erg Chebbi sand desert in the southeastern part of Morocco, formed from sand blown by the wind which now has a height of up to 500 feet. Merzouga village, about 4 hours drive from Marrakesh, Morocco's capital city, located on the edge of this dune. Tourists can build a camp here, riding camels, and watch the sun rise and set. According to legend, these dunes are created by God's punishment befalling the local population has been expelled because of an adventurer.

 Devil's Tower, USA

Located in the hills volcano, Devil's Tower has a peak with a height of more than 5,000 feet. Besides often becomes the primary goal for climbing, this is a spiritual place for some Native American tribes. Usually, the climber does not perform operations during June, when the sacred ceremonies take place here.

Kata Kjuta, Australia

The sandstone formations Kjuta, such as Uluru, Australia lies in the desert surrounding natural cover. Not only intended as a national park, this place is also a spiritual region for the Aborigines. Began to dawn until late evening, the sun rays create a red shadows until browned on stone formation.

Mirny Diamond Mine, Siberia
Mirny Diamond Mine in Siberia is the second largest crater in the world created by humans. Line the bottom of craters to reach 1700 feet into the gold mine area that annually produce 2 million carats. Air transportation from the top to the crater is limited to a helicopter after a number of accidents due to air flow.

Bryce Canyon National Park, AS

 Located in southeastern Utah, United States, Bryce Canyon National Park is known for geologic formations called hoodoos. Sediments from lakes and streams that have been around 40 million years ago which have been eroded, this formation. Changes color from pink to dark red, and orange, is the result of mineral deposits in sedimentary rocks.

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1 Response to "Weirdest Picnic location on Planet Earth"

  1. Unknown says:
    24 November 2015 pukul 20.46

    The basalt at craters of the moon in Idaho first erupted about 15,000 years ago. It last erupted about 2,000 years ago.

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